Adopt a Garden Plot at Church

It is again summer time and we are in need of people to adopt and care for plants and gardens around the House of Prayer property. What we need from you:  stop in the office and choose a section of garden that you will help maintain for the summer (now through cleaning for winter). You could also join together with another person or couple to share the task. Once you have a section of garden, we simply ask that you check on it once a week (or as needed) to pull weeds, prune plants, water if needed and generally take care of this particular section of garden.

The section can be as small or large as you like. If you wish, we will post a sign in your section of garden stating that this portion of garden is cared for by….   We have many members with green thumbs and this is a simple way to help us be good stewards of the property God has blessed us with. Thanks!  —   Pastor Dan and the Property Committee

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