A task force led by Ron B. has reviewed and updated the House of Prayer Constitution. The last revision to the constitution was in 1998. Please download and review the constitution in preparation for:
- ratification at the Annual Congregation Meeting on January 27, 2013 at noon.
The constitution was adopted at a Congregational meeting on December 2 and ratified at the Annual Congregation Meeting on January 27, 2013.
Download the new House of Prayer Constitution (pdf).
Download the new organizational structure (pdf).
What’s changed?
The last time the constitution was updated was 1998. Changes have been made in the Model Constitution of the ELCA. These changes, some of which are required, have not been updated in our constitution. The largest change in this category has to deal with the proper procedures that are required for a congregation to withdraw its membership from the ELCA.
A major change that we are suggesting is the make-up and direction for the Congregation Council. We are proposing a Ministry Board of four members at large plus the Pastor and Vice-President to be visionary, looking at goals for our future as this church. This Ministry Board will meet quarterly with Ministry (formerly called committee) chairpersons. Chairperson will be elected by their own ministries. These chairpersons will not have to attend monthly Congregation Council meetings. The Ministry chairpersons will report on all current and future activities and their needs to attain the goals as set by the Congregation Council.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ron B., Mike N. or Pastor Dan.