FROM THE SOCIAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE: Thank you so much for your generous donations of gifts for our giving tree this season. We were able to provide gifts to five families through the East Metro Women’s Council, a House of Prayer family, and an additional family in need for a total of 28 individuals. God is indeed working through us.
FROM THE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Advent Fair: Thank you to Ginny J. for coordinating the Advent Fair and for bringing many of the supplies. Also, thank you to all the others who helped in any way. We had a great turn-out and a great time! Sing-a-long: Thank you to the HOP musicians for their leadership. Health & Wellness Committee: Thank you for the healthy holiday eating treats, and also, thank you to Chef Stan J. for the food demonstrations/samples. Intergenerational Christmas Program: Thank you to Corey Lange and Janet P. for coordinating the program. Thank you to all the children and adults who participated and made the program a success. Musical Leadership: Thank you, Ginny J. and Penny H., for leading our Sunday School in music time.
FROM THE FUNERAL COMMITTEE: Thank you to everyone who donated time, talents, and treats for the luncheon following the funeral service for Margaret J. God bless you for your generosity.
FROM THE NORTH ST. PAUL FOOD SHELF: Thank you for your donation of 74 pounds of food items and $20 in November to the North St. Paul Area Emergency Food Shelf. In November the food shelf served 356 families in the North St. Paul – Maplewood – Oakdale area and distributed about 31,000 pounds of food. We gave an additional 3,500 pounds when we gave out 115 Thanksgiving packages complete with turkey, pie and all the fixings. Also through donations, we were able to give out 40 additional turkeys to families during thanksgiving week. Thank you!
FROM THE WOMEN OF HOPE: The bake sale was a popular stop for people attending the community Christmas breakfast. The delicious treats didn’t get a chance to go stale…people “gobbled” up those wonderful bargains. Thank you to all who donated to this annual fundraiser for the Women of Hope’s ministry.
FROM THE COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: Thank you to Michael and Jacky H. for making the beautiful African purses and pillows. A big thank you also to everyone who made the entire event run smoothly. We appreciate everyone’s presence – including all the breakfast guests. Thank you!
ADVENT/CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFICATION – Thank you to the Altar Guild for beautifying the chancel area with trees, candles and poinsettia plants.
SPECIAL MUSIC – Thank you to the worship and music committee, the directors, the coordinators, the choirs, the instrumentalists and the singers who all added so much to our worship services through beautiful music.
REACHING OUT TO OTHERS – Thank you to the social ministry committee who helped us reach out to others through the Giving Tree Program and Operation Christmas Child.
WORSHIP SERVICES – Thank you to the greeters, ushers, lectors, worship coordinators and the office volunteers who helped assemble the bulletins.
A big THANK YOU to all of you and to those groups of people that we neglected to mention.
House of Prayer is blessed with faithful members who serve in the glory of God.