Synod Assembly Report

Change (or as the Bishop calls it repositioning) was in the air
at the Synod Assembly this year. This includes preparing for
the 2014 bishop election, the significant changes to the synod
budget, the restructuring of our Bega Kwa Bega miunistry and
the new electronic voting keypads. Change was definitely in
the air. Yet, amidst the change and the repositioning, we
stand here together with our brothers and sisters in Christ to
respond in service to a world in need of the Gospel. Through
the work of Lutheran World Relief, responding to crisis,
through the ELCA Malaria campaign, responding to a child
dying of malaria every 60 seconds, through the work of Bega
Kwa Bega, in building relationships around the world, and so
many more. All of these ministry opportunities are a part of the
connective tissue that is the synod and the ELCA that
connects us all together as the body of Christ. Thanks be to
God for the opportunity for us to participate in the larger
church. – Mike N.

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